Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2008

Every man is an artist- said Beuys
Every artist is a human- rephrased Kippenberger
Just do it- says Nike
Don’t just do it, said someone
Do it yourself- said...who for the first time?
I can do that too! - standard outsider comment in a contemporary show
How I did it- is the title of a column on easyjet’s flight magazine about the way to success of successful businessmen

this is the beginning of a series of experiments regarding art, the public and the market.
all that in public space - virtual or meatspace*

14 posts of 14 drawings on the 14. February
13 posts on the internet and 1 on the street.

You can download the poster that drew your attention to this site here:

print in A4 semi glossy less than 100gr
and enjoy

you can also enlist for further events here:

* meatspace, as awkward as it sounds, is the here and now between you and me. The real thing, you know?